Online calculator

Calculate online the approximate cost of insulating for your home simply with our online calculator.

Choose the type of polyurethane foam, the thickness of the insulation and the number of square meters, and then you can calculate the approximate price of the insulation and send it to your email.

Soft foam with an open cell structure
Hard foam with a closed cell structure


    Send the calculation to your email.


    Choose the type of polyurethane foam, the thickness of the insulation and the number of square meters, and then you can calculate the approximate price of the insulation and send it to your email.

    Soft foam with an open cell structure
    Hard foam with a closed cell structure
    Total €


      Send the calculation to your email.


      The price calculation is stated with VAT and has an informative character.
      Do not hesitate to contact us for an exact price offer.

      Soft foam with an open cell structure
      Hard foam with a closed cell structure
      Total €


        Send the calculation to your email.



        POLYTERM PREŠOVTM s.r.o.
        Slnečná 300/6,
        082 32 Svinia

        Invoicing data:

        POLYTERM PREŠOVTM s.r.o.
        Slnečná 300/6, 082 32 Svinia
        IČO: 53901223
        DIČ: 2121531126
        IČ DPH: SK 2121531126

        Bank account:

        Bank account: Fio banka
        IBAN: SK10 8330 0000 0026 0200 9490


        +421 908 33 77 28

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